Transmissions from Vlentary – 2 June 2023 … oopsTransmissions from Vlentary – 2 June 2023 … oops
Blows off the cobwebs and space dust. Gives the website a good shake. Is this thing still on…? Wow, {...}
Random musings of a Writer with an overactive imagination
Blows off the cobwebs and space dust. Gives the website a good shake. Is this thing still on…? Wow, {...}
Wow… where has the year gone? 31st of December already. I’m currently sitting on the couch in my holiday home {...}
I’ve been slowly typing my way through StarDancer over the last few months, currently up to chapter 21, and {...}
It’s starting to feel a lot like Christmas :). The heat is oppressive, the real-life job workload has quadrupled {...}
This is it, the final slog, 7 days to go… 7 days to write 20k. Oh dear god, this is {...}
My plod through NANOWRIMO continues Day 14 – slogging through the doldrums, which appear to have been transformed into peanut {...}
Dear Diary Day 1 – Off to a slow plodding start today, that’s good right? No point in writing all {...}
It’s NanoPrep Season and I’m hunting bunnies, so be very, very quiet. Oh, there goes one. …(What happens if {...}