About Me

I started writing over 30 years ago as a way of escaping the boundaries of a South Pacific Island at the bottom of the world, and the harassment to comes from being a short, curly headed, freckled faced, Red-haired child that needed to avoid the sun at all costs. My first forays into writing centered around the Celts, who appearance I inherited, and the unsung heroes that never wanted to be heroes or famous, but still managed to change the world despite their attempts to avoid the responsibility

Being confined to indoors, resulted in a love of reading, and I devoured books by David Eddings, Anne McCaffery, Tolkien and the two Terrys, (Brooks and Prachett) in equal measure. As I got older TV Series like, Thunderbirds, Star Trek and Firefly pipped my interest in Science Fiction and Space travel.

My journeys to Vlentary started one day in the late 80’s, with a doodle, and a frustrated English teacher telling me that a 32-page short story was not what he had in mind when he set that assignment.

Twenty years from that fateful day, which also included spending a year in Idaho, USA and 4 years in Sydney, Australia, the universe has expanded to include 160 planets, with characters all marching to the beat of their own drummers, chasing after their dreams and fears in equal measure, unintentionally changing their world as they do.

When I’m not traversing Vlentary, I can be found in Auckland New Zealand, either standing on the rugby league field sidelines, cheering on my boisterous 8-year-old son, toiling away at a full-time day job, or curled up in the corner of the room making jewellery and Aromatherapy blends … still avoiding the sun at all costs.
