Merry Xmas from the Worlds of Amberfyre


It’s starting to feel a lot like Christmas :).

The heat is oppressive, the real-life job workload has quadrupled in the last three weeks, there’s tinsel on the floor and it’s a never-ending job to keep the cat out of the tree.

But I wouldn’t change it for the world.

This year has been one of big changes and moving forward.  I managed to plan out three complete novels, have ideas for another four,  wrote 12 chapters on a new novel during NANO… actually won NANO.  Made lots of new friends on Facebook and Twitter.

Seriously go follow these guys.  ElusiveStory, Anne Wheeler and the #turtlewriters on Twitter.

My plans for 2018 is to actually finish Danni & Alix’s story as well as StarDancer.  Everyone else is still clambering for me to finish their own stories… I’m getting there guys.

So, It’s a Merry Christmas from me, Danni, Alix & the rest of the crew.   Merry Tuile from Star, Krystal, Shallone and Devon, and a Happy Fyayian Fire Festival from Koltan and Calliope.

Thank you for buckling up and joining me on this epic journey.  I hope you’ve enjoyed the ride so far and I hope to see you all again in the New Year.

Stay safe and warm in the Northern Hemisphere, and safe and cool in the Southern.

Pohutukawa red flowers blossom in the month of December.


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