Happy New Year :D. May 2022 bring all that you hope for and not be a repeat of 2020.
2022 started off great for me. We finally got out of lockdown on 15 December (Child finished school on 14 December … but of course.) My husband escaped Auckland with the rest of the city on 18 December and attempted to tackle the grass at our holiday home, as well as the eggs that had been sitting in the fridge since the end of July… (To be fair, I was planning on coming back the week we end into lockdown …), while I worked 1 more week up in Auckland. I finally got down to our holiday home on 24 December after 5 months away and I could actually feel the stress leaving as I pulled in the gate. Never thought it was a physical feeling, but damn did it feel good.
Downside to the stress leaving… I collapsed in a heap and did almost nothing for five days… Oops. I was not disappointed to see the back end of 2021 and finding a little bit of my sanity.
So 2022 … who knows what the year is going to bring. I’m trying to limit my doom scrolling since I worked out early into our last lockdown that it does my head in and nothing gets done. Doing o.k at the moment. I have checked the news site twice since Xmas Eve. Kinda helps not actually having a TV connected down here LOL.
There was a picture doing the rounds on Twitter and Facebook recently where the number 1 song when you turned 22 will be how your 2022 goes… I looked into it for a giggle, and restricted it to New Zealand number 1 songs, because why not.
How Bizarre – OMC – Kind of appropriate LOL. still trying to decide if it is a good or bad thing.
Now I usually do a yearly wrap up, but honestly… I have no idea what I actually did other than surviving a 100 plus day lockdown with my insanity mostly intact. A review of my previous blogs, didn’t really help much… and Sorry for disappearing midway through November, it was rough and I needed to work on me for a bit 🙂
2021 – The Good, The Bad and the downright UGLY
Good News: Other than me surviving and not having to take shares in duct tape. Nyx went home for Thanksgiving 🙂 They continue to improve daily, overcoming new challenges and missed injuries. There’s still a long road back, but they were up to doing 1 day of schooling a week, which was better than the original prognosis.
The Bad and UGLY News: Can’t really differentiate between the two of these LOL. My Fiction reading didn’t happen, Writing… well I managed 13k of DG for NANO. Nothing close to what I was aiming for. And despite being an extreme introvert, I discovered that I don’t do well when I’m confined to home with two other people … especially not a 12-year-old extravert, who gets bored easily and really doesn’t cope with Lockdowns.
While I am thankful my boss was able to keep the business running, be it with reduced hours, I think I may have coped better with dealing with the homeschooling side of things, if I Didn’t have to maintain a full-time job. Fingers crossed, I don’t have to cross that bridge anytime soon.
2022 Plans
I have spent the last week of 2021 planning on what I wanted to accomplish this year. Given how disjointed the last two years have been, and the fact I don’t think the Universe has finished smacking me around with a piece of 4×2 anytime soon, I halved my usual plans. I need time to recharge apparently.
This year, I want to:
- Finish Dream Goals
- Edit Desert Magpies – Yes, I got the result back… it needs a developmental edit done, so am attempting to clean it up, then sending it back to my editor friend to help 🙂
- Write a 10k Fanfic – OKAY… STOP LAUGHING. I have a random idea floating around that won’t leave me alone. I figure it could slot into a fandom and be a a giggle to read… and literally … it is a small scene. Nothing worthy of a novel.
- Write Zombe during April and July Camps and finish it during NANO
- Outline and plot Earthdancer and the Dancer series.
January Plan of Attack
- Write 22404 words and get Dream Goals up to Act 3
- Read at least 2 Fiction books – I completed none last year
- Read at least 1 Writing Craft Book
- Take time out to have some fun for me!!! This includes making a start on the Remastered Final Fantasy 7
- Try and get two blogs out this month … all ready a day late on this one … oops
- Complete 2 writing craft courses.
- Enjoy my time out down at our bach and crossing fingers and toes that we don’t go back into lockdown.
- Come up with a better name for my Zombie Story.
1st January Stats
Writing: DG & OWIS – 59501 words written
Zombie – 17 Scenes Outlined.
Reading: The Theatre of Nok-Mondu – 0 of 298 pages
Story Fix – Larry Brooks. – 0 of 228 Pages.
Course: Mindmaps for Authors – 0%
Good luck with any plans you may have. Stay Warm (northern hemisphere), Stay Cool (Southern Hemisphere) … I’m off to throw myself in the lake and escape this 30C temperature.